30 JUN, 2015 • Meer informatie

Nieuwe BIAC-brochure met betrekking tot de OECD-richtlijnen voor multinationals

“BIAC considers the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) as an essential instrument for companies to navigate markets, to reduce risk, and to follow good practice in responsible business conduct”, said BIAC Secretary General Bernhard Welschke following the launch of a new BIAC publication for business on the MNE Guidelines.

BIAC has long recognized the importance of responsible business conduct in a global economy. BIAC is committed to working in partnership with the OECD to support effective implementation of the MNE Guidelines. The BIAC publication explains what companies need to know about the Guidelines, including the role of the National Contact Points (NCPs), which provide a unique grievance mechanism to contribute to the resolution of issues that may arise with regard to the implementation of the Guidelines.

“It is important that there is a shared understanding that the NCP procedure is intended to help parties to work constructively on the basis of facts and trust towards sustainable solutions”, explained the BIAC Secretary General. “This process should not be seen as a semi-legal procedure.”

The Business and Industry Advisory Committee to the OECD advocates for open markets, investment, and private-sector led growth. BIAC is the officially recognized voice of the international business community at the OECD. BIAC’s members are the major business organizations in the OECD member countries and a number of OECD observer countries.

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